Like alot of ladies out there, I love my products. There’s something very decadent about perusing the product aisle at your local beauty supply… a zillion fragrances, a million promises and row upon row of plastic bottles in every shape, size and color.
But as I have become more and more eco conscious in my life I have begun to question my monthly excursions down the aisles de beaute.. what am I pouring down my drain ? what am I putting on my skin and scalp ? how much waste is created when producing that lovely lavender plastic bottle with the chamomile blossoms emblazened on the side ? and when I am finished with the bottle where exactly is it going ?
Then I discovered Chagrin Valley Soap and Craft Company. This amazing Ohio based company has been churning out a myriad of natural soaps for some time now. There are body bars, lotion bars, bath bars, pet bars even shampoo bars. Every soap is made by hand and uses only all natural herbs, flowers, oils and coconut milk.
They are super conditioning and smell divine in Carrot Milk and Honey, Babbassu and Marshmallow, Chamomile and Citrus, Honey Beer and Egg and Coconut Milk. They even have a special Coffee Shampoo bar that will do wonders for the tresses of any brunette. As well as a full line of body creams and healing salves.
The best part is every order is delivered to you in a recycled paper box. All for about $8 smackeroos.
Your hair will love you..your skin will love you and most of all the planet will love you.. and what could be better than that !!
Keepin’ it Green !!
click here to order
from the Chagrin Valley Soap and Craft Company