Since this blog began I have given you the low down on beauty… the skinny on fitness… we’ve gotten Zen together, explored all Women’s Cinema has to offer, explored Iconic Women and their stories all while keepin’ it Green and Earth Conscious.. well now I think it’s time to kick it up a’s time to scale back and leap forward… it’s time to get really juicy…to go’s time Goddess Gumbo went RAW !!!
I have spent many years being very conscious of what I put in my body.. nothing with fur or feathers..I have spent periods of time as a macrobiotic, a vegan and there are months when I slide on over to the pescaterian side of the fence. But nothing and I mean NOTHING has given me the energy, power, and at the same time, lightness and clarity of the Raw Foods Diet.
For those of you who haven’t heard of it, The Raw Foods Diet is exactly what it sounds like. Everything you eat is RAW. Raw vegetables, fruits, nuts, honey and for some raw meat, fish, milk and cheese. I can hear the yawns and gasps from here.
Well, I’m here to tell you that after spending a few years of my life totally raw, there is nothing boring about this diet. Your taste buds actually reawaken and you begin to notice the wondrous subtleties in flavor in simple foods, you will have more energy and sleep less, lose weight and never get sick..all while turning back the clock and honoring our planet. Look no further than the ageless Demi Moore, Alicia Silverstone and the devestatingly gorgeous Carol Alt as testimony to the benefits of this lifestyle.
In this weekly post, we will explore the origins of raw foodism. I will post interviews with raw food gurus. We’ll talk about books, supplements and beauty products, information about retreats and restaurants in NYC and around the country as well as some yumalicious recipes that will make you positively glow. At the same time I will be living the raw lifestyle and posting a little bit about my journey back to RAW…with pictures of moi throughout my transformational journey.
Are you ready to get fierce, vibrant and gorgeous all while loving your planet ?
Then buckle up ladies.. you are in for a RAWESOME ride !!!
Check in next week for the first of many rawvalutionary posts !!